A graduate of the “London Film School”, 1973. upon completion of his studies returned home to Israel and has been a film director since.
Barbash has directed feature films. Tv dramas and documentaries that have been broadcasted and screened in Israel and word wide.
An OSCAR nominated director.
2018 – Won The Landau Award for excellence in The Art of Cinema.
Among known TV dramas/feature films:
2020 “ABDUCTED”- 10 episodes Drama series – Norwegian/Israeli co production for : Netflix – Tv2 Norway – Hot Israel
2018 – “BLACK HONEY” – A documentary film exploring the life and poetry of Avrom Sutzkever , the prominent Yiddish poet of the 20th century. “The Jewish Experience” Award of Jerusalem Film Festival 2018. Love of the audience – Israel film festival los Angeles 2018
2015 – “KAPO IN JERUSALEM” – a feature film inspired by the life story of Eliezer Greenbaum who was a Kapo (block head) in Auschwitz Honorable mention of The Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.
“love of the audience” – warsaw jewish film festival.
2012- “A MILK WELL.MID TOWN” 3 hours documentary (2 chapters) exploring the intimate and poetic world of young israeli poets writing against all odds.
2008- “THE NAKED TRUTH” 16 episodes drama series, all set in an investigation room. A story of a 17 years old girl who disappeard without a trace. The investigation reveals and unfolds the secrets, lies and truths of her family, friends and lovers. Purchased for remake in Europe and U.S.A
2008- “SPRING 1941” a feature film based on Ida Fink`s stories. Love story between a man and two women set in Poland during the second world war. The first Israeli –Polish coproduction.
Shot in Poland.
2007- “GOOD INTENTIONS” A drama series focusing on a Palestinian and Israeli families. The story of two young women, Israeli and Palestinian, on a journey against all odds. Honorable Mention of The Jerusalem Film Festival.
2004-2006- “MILIUM” A drama series. The journey of men that are called to the reserve army, their trials and tribulations that affect their families and themselves. The moral dilemmas, conflicts and experience of soldiers in the military reserved army serving in the occupied territories.
2003- “CLEAR CONSCIENCE” Two documentaries. The story of objector conscience. The films explores young men and women who refuse to serve in the army because of their morals and values that challenge the Israeli society.
2001- “MY FIRST SONY” A drama series. The story reveals a complex multifaced Tel-aviv based family that is enrolled and interwoven in the Israeli society. A story of partnership, family, possible and impossible love and all that l lies in-between.
The series won the award for best drama series in Jerusalem film festival- 2001.
1998-2000- “Tironut” A drama series. The stories of young soldiers recruited to a combat unit that are faced with hard difficulties that expose and uncover them to moments of crisis and moments of grace. “Tironut” was chosen as the most likable series in a public opinion poll conducted by Israeli leading daily newspaper “Yediot Achronot”. “Tironut” won the golden screen award.
1996- ”LINE 300” A 5 chapter docu-drama series. An attempt to deal with one of the most complicated political affairs the Israeli society ever knew. A crucial battle between the Israeli secret service and the prime minister and his legal advisers.
1994- “Kastner” A three part mini-drama. This true story takes place in Israel in the 1950’s. The series focuses on the tragic story of Kastner, a Jewish leader in Hungary in the Second World War. A charismatic and ingenious Kastner negotiated with the Nazis for the lives of the Hungarian Jews. This major events tore the Israeli society apart, brought down a government and ended in the first political assassination in Israel.
The series won the prize of the Israeli Oscar- 1994.
1989-“One of us” A feature film. The film tells a story of a unique friendship between three young men who volunteer to serve in an elite paratroops unit, where the motto “All for one- one for all” is not only a slogan but an actual way of life. In the course of their service this motto is confronted by a dramatic and cruel test.
“One of us” won 5 Israeli Oscar Academy Awards for best director, actor, editing, script and best film
1987- “Unsettled Land”(Dreamers). A feature film. A story of young revolutionaries who left Europe of the 1920’s determined to open a new chapter in history in the land of their forefathers- Palestine. A story of a utopian dream coming true in blood, sweat and tears. The film won an Israeli Oscar awards for photography and production design.
1984- “Beyond the Walls”. The story of Jewish and Arab prisoners confined to the same cell block in a maximum security prison in Israel.
The film was purchased for worldwide distribution by Warner Brothers.
“Beyond the Walls” won the Israeli Oscar award for best director, original script, editing, acting and best film.
The film was nominated as one of the five best foreign films for the Oscar Academy Awards 1984.
The film won the 1984 international critique award at the Venice film festival.
1979- “Sentenced For life” A 90 minute television drama that tells a story of a prisoner set free and his futile attempts to gain a new lease on life.
The drama won the “CINOR DAVID” award for that year.
*Studied Hebrew Literature in Tel Aviv university.
* Barbash taught Film Directing in ” Beit Zvi” – drama school, “Camera Obscura”- film school and was a member of the educational committee of the Film and Television School in Jerusalem- “Sam Spigel”
1990 –Was honoured “The film director of the decade” by the Israel film institute.
2012 – Artistic advisor in the Israeli Film Fund.
2012 –Honoured the prize of “The Art of Filmmaking” by the Ministry of Culture.
2015 – The Einstein Prize – Ministry of Culture.
2017 – Artistic advisor in Jerusalem Film Fund.