Nathan Alterman was a poet, lyricist, playwright, translator, and journalist.
He was born on August 14, 1910, in Warsaw. His family later moved to Russia, from which he immigrated to Israel as a 15 year old, settling in Tel Aviv, the city to which he was affiliated until his dying day, and to which he has dedicated much of his work.
After studying agronomy in France, the young Alterman began publishing columns and pieces in Israeli newspapers and magazines such as “Davar” and “Ha’aretz”, as well as writing songs for the “Matate” Theater.
His first collection of poems, “Stars Outside”, was published in 1938, achieving immediate canonic status, as did those that followed, including “The Joy of the Poor”, “City of the Dove”, and “Summer Celebration”.
He has since published hundreds of columns and articles, satires and poetry, many of which have been composed and have become cultural classics. He wrote and translated plays as well, winning numerous awards, including the Israel Prize for Literature in 1968, establishing him firmly as one of the most productive, highly esteemed and beloved artists in the history of Israel.
Some see Alterman as Israel’s true national poet, and there is no dispute on his being one of the forefathers of contemporary Hebrew poetry, with a significant effect on continuing generations of local poets (some of whom have tried to emulate his distinct style).
Mr. Alterman passed away on March 28, 1970, at the age of 59.