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Hanoch Levin (Estate)

Hanoch Levin (December 18, 1943 – August 18, 1999) was an Israeli playwright, poet, novelist, and stage director.

Levin was born in Tel Aviv in 1943 and died of cancer in August of 1999. His body of work includes plays, sketches, songs, stories, and poetry. He directed most of his own plays. In his work for the stage as director and playwright, Levin developed a unique dramatic and theatrical dialect, created by the integration of his poetic texts with the images he designed in collaboration with the actors, the set, costume, and lighting designers, and the musicians and choreographers. The resulting productions were characterized by Levin’s unique ability to combine the work of various artists and were always a festival of words and visual images, steeped in his deep love of the theater and everyone involved in it.

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