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Eli Mohar (Estate)

(December 30, 1948 – November 30, 2006 )

Eli Mohar was born in Tel Aviv, He is the son of poet Yehiel Mohar.

Eli Mohar, lyricist and journalist, was a pleasant man and highly esteemed artist. Many of his songs became cornerstones of Hebrew music and culture, including: “Shiur Moledet” (A Lesson in Israeli History), “Haikar ze Haromantika” (Romance is What Counts), “Shuv Hi Kan” (She’s Here Again), “Shesh Esreh Mal’u Lana’ar” (The Boy Turned 16), “Negiya Achat Raka” (One Tender Touch), “Shir Nevu’I Cosmi Aliz” (A Happy Song of Cosmic Prophecy), and many others.
He wrote two weekly columns: “About Town” and “At the Gate” for the Tel Aviv-based magazine “Ha’ir”, where he write since its establishment in 1980. In the eyes of many, Mr. Mohar is strongly affiliated with his beloved city of Tel Aviv.

“Those trivialities that in other places (and here too, once) compose what is haphazardly called “life” – the various trees, the dog owners (and their dogs), someone’s laugh, a street corner in the sun, Madame Talpiyot’s striking strut, the smell of frying patties in the stairwell, the next-door neighbor, scarves, treetops, the supposed smoothness of an arm, the smell of tangerines, the beginning of winter” – quoted from the preface to the book “About Town”, published by Am Oved in 1994.

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