Amir Gutfreund (Estate)

אמיר גוטפרוינד

Amir Gutfreund (July 23, 1963 – November 27, 2015) was a writer and screenwriter.

Novels Written:
“Our Holocaust” (Zmora-Bitan, winner of the 2001 Buchman Literary Prize)
“Seaside Estates” (Zmora-Bitan, winner of the 2003 Sapir Prize)
“The World A Moment Later” (Zmora-Bitan)
“Heroes Fly to Her” (Zmora-Bitan)
“The Lucky Crow” (Kinneret Zemora Bitan 2013)
“The Legend of Bruno and Adella” (Zmora-Bitan 2013)
Mount of Beatitudes (Zmora-Bitan 2016)
2013 – “Hostages” – First season for channel 10, writer of episodes
In 2015, Mr. Gutfreund received a development grant from Keshet for two concepts for series overseas.

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